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Northern Lights

As we begin to look into spirituality, we have to ask ourselves if we are ready for all that it entails. It is not just enough to be curious. Determination, discipline, and skill are a must for anything you want to pursue. Spiritual work requires those same three factors. Some have gurus to push them along, but most will not have the luxury. You will have to find your own inner guru! For example, getting up at 4am may be necessary in order for you to have the best chance to get your practice in undisturbed. Are you willing to get up at that time consistently? Or do you need a babysitter? These are question you have to ask yourself. Are you willing to follow the instructions laid out for you? Or will you try to do things you own way? Doing so will surely slowdown your progress. You will also have to sacrifice. What do I mean? You will have to sacrifice time and effort. You will have to be patient as well. Their are no short cuts in your spiritual unfoldment, but it will be well worth it if you can ride out the process! So these are some questions you should think about before deciding if this is the path you want to take. It is very serious, but I am sure you are up for the task! I believe in you! One love to you all. Peace.

This phrase is highly misunderstood because most people deem it to be mystical or evil. When broken down into its component parts, it seems to be a legitimate quote. Everything you see on a macro level, exist on a smaller or subtler level. You can make this inquiry based off what's shown to you on a bigger scale coupled with a similar thing on a lesser level. For example, if you look at the tree and its branches/roots, they're very similar to the veins and blood vessels in the human body. Tree roots/branches also resemble the neuro electrical pathways in the brain. This is the essence of the quote 'AS ABOVE, so below'. There's really nothing spooky about it. Once you drop the fear and ignorance of what the majority of population are dominated by, then all the things you're in the dark about shed their own light upon you once investigated which is called illumination. Be fearless! You will have to be if you want to advance on the spiritual path. Adversity is sure to come as a test of your faith, will power, and seriousness. That's all I have for you today. Peace!!

I want to start off by saying there are multiple types of meditation. The chakras develop the spiritual bodies, but that is only part of it. In order to get to the highest type of meditation, you have to become egoless. Every other types of meditation involves keeping the personality. The goal is to shatter the ego which most people don't want to really do. So they know not what they truly ask for. Getting rid of the ego can be scary, because the self(Personality) feels threaten. After the spiritual bodies are develop, you have to take all of that energy to the heart. Once you do that and are able to do it consistently, then you will become selfless(egoless). Becoming selfless means merging back with the source(The Absolute Reality). So their you have it! This is what real meditation is at the highest level. Peace!

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